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Natural Beauty

Reimagining self care "The Sexual Self"

 Sexuality is connected to almost every arena of daily life, yet it is discussed often through a negative, risk-perspective lens for black women as opposed to an empowering and liberating experience. Sexual health is multidimensional. It is experienced within an individual’s beliefs/values, relationships, and behaviors. 

Making a decision to consistently show up for your sexual self is key to your sexual growth. Our sexual spaces are filled with symbols and projections allow yourself the permission to explore those feelings thoughts and actions without judgement or fear. Within this space you are safe there is so much power in healing but we are stronger when we heal together.

I am so glad you are here !!

​You have come to the right place, confirmation from the universe. Welcome my love. I want to express to you, with gratitude, the excitement it brings to me knowing that you are deciding to take control of your sexual self care. You are stepping into the power of exploring the inner self. Im happy for you, experiencing fully is a goal of mine and its proven to be a more common goal for others. Our body is a personal road map to the pleasure we pursuit, and one of the many mysteries and joys of life I would argue are orgasms. The beauty of understanding orgasm is learning that orgasm is a complicated reach, its fulfilling, its intoxicating and exhilirating, and to some may even seem nonexistent. 10 to 15 percent of women never even get the chance to experience an orgasm and 30 percent report having orgasm sometimes. Im here to tell you, orgasm is not the goal, its end game, why focus on end game?

I am here to tell you that there is power in claiming pleasure for yourself. How many times have you had to fake an orgasm? Be honest with yourself this is a safe space and you are not alone in your decision to just fake it. Now lets take a moment to really anaylze your whys. How many of those reasons are because of you and you alone? A huge part of reaching your orgasm is allowing yourself the permission to feel into it. There are a variety of fears both unconcious and concious that limit your ability to reach orgasm. Focusing on fears will limit your ability to focus on your right now. Mindfulness is being present for the experience. What are you trying to experience?

Check out my 30 day challenge.

"Taking control of your sexual self care and committing to your orgasm takes practice and time and also patience. Meet yourself where you are and give grace for your journey."


My name is Desiree Lyn'Nette

I want you to have the best sex of your life and continously foster that energy regardless of the partner you have...even if you dont have any partners. Sex is apart of you and I want you to embrace your sexual self. There are so many stereotypes and sexual stigma related to black women. Over time we have gradually started conversations surrounding what it means to be a black sexual woman now its time to evaluate how you own that... lets connect !

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